The question isn't why read the Bible, the question is Why Not?
So you've decided to let the world know that you love the Lord and that he is your personal Lord and savior! You are now baptized, holy ghost filled and ready to go! You know that there are things you need to do, and ways you should act, except you are not sure what those things are.
Some people like to use the letters that spell the word Bible to give you an idea of where to get this information - Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth - the B.I.B.L.E! Cute right? I know! So this is where you learn what to do next, except it's not as cut and dry as you would think. The Bible is filled with stories and examples of the things that God wants us to know. It's an insider to who he is, sort of like the Source Magazine, only instead of the latest on Hip Hop, it tells you about everything! It talks about how the earth was created, when people were created, how they were created, why they were created as well as how they messed up. Don't act surprised! You know you mess up too, so don't give them the side eye because they started it! Surely you can understand how these things might happen.
It teaches us about Jesus, who he was when he walked the earth, it tells us all about his ministry, how he got his disciples and taught them everything they needed to know. There are so many stories in the Bible that are action packed, drama filled and terrifying! You know, like those reality tv shows you like so much. The Real House Wives ain't got nothing on some of the things that went down in the Bible! You'll read stuff about talking donkeys and people chilling in a furnace like "they at the beach." Yes I know that last sentence was grammatically incorrect, but I had to say it that way, using proper grammar there just wouldn't make sense. Anyway, you really get to know who God is when you read his word, he shows you things you never thought you would understand.
Ok, let's say there is someone that you really like. What are you going to try to do? Get to know them right? You'll ask them questions, like what do you like to do, or how old are you. You try to find out what makes them happy so that you can do those things for them because you like them and you want them to stick around. Well it's the same thing when you give your heart to God. You want to know what makes him happy so that you can try to do those things. After all, you definitely want him on your side always!
So Why Read the Bible? Why Not? You read it because it's the only way you will truly get to know him for yourself! It's a supplement to learning from your Pastor, from your parents or from any church leader. They are the ones that guide you, the Bible is what equips you. Scripture tells us to study the word, to hide it in our hearts. Do you know why he said in our hearts and not in our minds? Well because "so a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." Proverbs 23:7 Our heart is where everything begins and if the enemy has easy access to our hearts, well you already know where that leads! It leads to spiritual death. Why would we want to die after we were just born again?
Be sure to read the Bible every day, take it one chapter at a time. Find out who God is and let him show you who he wants you to be. The Bible is not supposed to just sit in your room on a shelf, the church didn't gift it to you just to have. It's not a Christian accessory, it's to be used. It should be worn from constant use. Don't let the dust build up on your Bible, take it with you everywhere you go and ask questions if there is something you don't understand.
Remember, Satan has waged an all out war against us and he thinks he can win. He tries to keep us distracted with other things. It is up to us to make sure that he doesn't succeed. He comes to kill, steal and destroy by any means necessary, so it is important that your Bible knowledge is on Fleek! You don't want Satan getting into your heart and causing confusion, you want to keep God in there so he can fight for you!
Knowledge is power and God is definitely the power you need! So Plug in to his word and get connected!
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